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How to Propose a Girl? | A Complete Guide

How to Propose a Girl? | A Complete Guide
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How to Propose a Girl

How to propose a girl: Are you planning to propose a girl? Are you ready to do it but feeling very nervous? Have you searched and read a lot of articles on the internet but they are only advising the methods which are either too old to follow or not suitable for different circumstances? If the answer to any of the questions is YES, you are at the right place. Here we are not going to discuss the old outdated methods to propose a girl. The methods, some of which are not even possible to follow in the present scenario.

Here in this article, we are going to discuss the things which really matter to a girl. The things that drive the girl’s decision in your favor. One thing I can tell you for sure. If you will read this complete article, you will be in a much better position to analyze and control the whole situation at the moment you will go to propose your special girl. So, let’s try to find out the exact answer for “how to propose a girl.”

Before jumping into the tips and methods, we have to understand a few things first. There is no fixed way which is favorably applicable to each and every girl. To make your special day successful, you have to have a very good understanding of your girl. It doesn’t matter which type of proposal you are going to make. Maybe you are going to express your love by making a love proposal to one of your friends or you are going to propose your girlfriend for marriage. If you will choose the correct way of doing it, you will definitely get success.

Basic Aspects:

There are a few basic aspects which are must to keep in mind before choosing a way to propose your girl. The proper way of proposing a girl is important but having an idea of these basic aspects are even more important. So, let us first discuss these basic aspects one by one:

Proper Understanding of you girl:

Which type of girl she actually is? What does she actually like? Is she actually the girl which the world thinks she is? Or there is any hidden identity of her which she doesn’t show in front of the world? If you are going to choose a method to propose your girl, you have to have the proper idea of all these questions.

Few girls like simplicity, few like a lot of enthusiasm in every single moment. Some of the girls usually are shy by nature, some are too open to the world. The method you are choosing to propose a girl will only work if you will choose the correct method on the basis of the type of your girl. A simple and shy girl will obviously not like a proposal made in front of a huge crowd with a loud announcement. Or an over-enthusiastic girl will never feel happy if she will get proposed in a library while reading books. That’s why we have to be very careful while choosing a way to propose the girl.

Elimination of Scope of Doubt:

The decision you are going to take is not something which is casual in nature. You don’t take this kind of decisions every day in your life. For a girl as well it is something which really matters. So, you can’t have a casual attitude towards it. You have to understand that this decision to become a part of someone’s life will drastically change two lives at a time. So, when the decision is that important and crucial, you can’t afford to have any doubt in your mind.

Therefore, before taking any action, think multiple times. Give yourself enough time to understand if she is the girl you want to spend your life with. Ask yourself questions that do you really love her or you just want her for some kind of benefits you are going to get from her. Give yourself as much time as possible to think about it. Because once you will take the decision, the returning process will not gonna be that easy. So, there should be no doubts in your mind while taking this decision. Because when you will be 100 percent sure about your decision then only you would be able to propose your girl with complete conviction. And in that case, your chances of getting success would be much higher.

Tips on How to Propose a Girl

Tips on how to propose a girl: Now, with a complete understanding of your girl and with no doubts in your mind, you are totally ready to make your proposal. Now, one of the biggest questions arises; how to do it? How to propose a girl? Do you also have no clue of it? This is the point where most of the people get blank. Well for you guys the answer is not that difficult. As you have a proper understanding of your girl, you could just follow the tips shared below to get the best results. So, let us jump into the most important tips on how to propose a girl.

Tips to Propose a Girl
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1. Make Her Feel Special:

For girls, this is a very special moment. They wait for this moment for their whole life. On the other hand, it is the moment of a huge responsibility for them. Because here they have to take a decision that changes their whole life.

Now, just try to understand the importance of this moment from a girl’s point of view. This decision is something that is going to change their lives. On which ground they will take this decision in or against your favor? They must expect something from you at that moment. Now, the question is what are those expectations? Most of the girls expect to have respect and care for them in your eyes. They expect to have their importance in your life. And this is what you have to make them feel.

Whatever you will go to propose to her, it should be with an intention to make her feel very special. It will utterly increase your chances of getting a favourable response from the girl. Obviously, they are special for you and that is why you are proposing her. Make her also feel what you actually feel for her.

2. Try to be yourself:

Doing various experiments with the things you are going to do on your special day is great but don’t try to experiment on yourself. In simple terms, just try to be yourself. You need not change yourself. And why should you? If someone is going to accept you as her life partner, she should accept you as you are. If you are changing yourself to get any girl, it is not actually a love relationship, it’s simply a deal. Because there shouldn’t be any conditions in love as true love is unconditional.

Try to be the best version of yourself but don’t try to change yourself. Achieving perfection is a different thing than to change oneself. If she will accept you as you are, it will be your real victory.

Girls also like the people who are real, whose emotions are real. They like the people who don’t try to be something which they are actually not. So, don’t adopt a fake attitude. Just be yourself and you will do great!

3. Choose the Perfect Place:

Choosing the correct place is one of the things you have to do carefully. As each small effort will decide the girl’s decision, there should be nothing which will make her uncomfortable. Choose from one of her favorite places where she feels the best.

It could be a place where she wants to go from a long time or a place where she likes to spend her time. It could even be the place where you meet her for the first time. Just make sure to choose a place where the girl has some special attachment.

Propose a girl at a natural place
Proposal at a natural place

You can also choose the place considering the interest areas of the girl. For example, a girl who is a nature lover, will definitely like a natural place like a sanctuary. If a girl loves adventure, a place having hill climbing or various water sports activities may be the best. So, you also have to choose your place accordingly.

4. Choose the Perfect Time:

From the various researches conducted from time to time, it has been observed that the same person reacts differently to the same thing based on the timing of happening of the event. Confused?!! What is the connection in the above explanation and in the question “how to propose a girl?” Well, let me explain. The timing of making the proposal could change the whole game. Thus, it is very important to select the perfect time.

To get a clear picture of how timing can make the difference, we can take the help of a small example. Suppose, your girl gets fired from her job. And as natural, she is really very upset due to this. Now if, on the same day, you will make her the proposal, the chances that she will reject it is quite higher.

Let us take the help of another example. Suppose your girl gets the admission in one of the colleges she was wondering to go to. And she is extremely happy because of it. Now, if you will make the proposal on the same day, the chances of getting a yes from the girl will be quite higher.

Thus, choosing the correct time to make your proposal is extremely important.

5. Dress Properly:

Don’t have a casual attitude regarding your dressing on the day of the proposal. It’s a special day. You are trying to make her feel special. So, your dressing should also be special than your regular dress up. Present yourself as a perfect gentleman or as a smart cool guy considering the preference of your girl.

If you dress well at the time of your interview, your marriage or even at the time of your birthday; why shouldn’t you dress well at the time of making the proposal. Remember, you will not gonna get this opportunity again and again. So, wear the best dress that you have. If you have kept your special dresses apart for special moments, believe me, this is that moment.

If you will look good, you will feel confident. If you will feel confident enough, your performance will be great.

6. Rehearse properly before the final action:

We make a lot of plans for doing something important. But how many times everything goes according to the plan. It will not surprise me if you also fail to execute things according to your plans. Because it happens to me as well. It is nothing but lack of rehearsal which makes the blunder.

To avoid these kinds of mistakes which could spoil the whole plan on our very special day, we have to be properly prepared. And the way to get prepared for everything which is going to happen is a proper rehearsal. Rehearse enough to avoid any possible mistake which could take place during your proposal.

Don’t get nervous if you are making mistakes during your rehearsal. Because as much mistakes you will do during your rehearsal, the more you will learn. And the more you will learn, the more perfection you will achieve and the chances of mistakes on your special day will be lesser.

7. Always keep the surprise element:

Girls like surprises the most. In order to make her day special and a memorable one, you should always add a surprise element in it. Believe me, along with doing all other things if you will add a special surprise, it will multiply her happiness.

Now, the surprises could be of any type. What about hiding a ring inside of a gift. Just like hiding the proposal ring inside of the collar of a dress that you bought for her as a gift. Also, keep a letter in the pocket containing the line “I have kept my feeling hidden inside of this gift.” So that she can’t miss the hidden ring.

Or what about giving her a personalized customized gift that is made only for her. Something that is not available in the market in a general sense. Something that couldn’t be given to anyone else. What about giving her a personalized portrait sketch of one of her best pictures which will be 100% handmade. There are a few very good artists available in the market that will do the job for you. The link to order a personalized portrait sketch that I found genuine and provides beautiful results has been given here.

Similarly, you could also make a personalized gift for her by yourself. I know that would not be that perfect but as you will make that yourself, there will be a lot of feelings and emotions attached to it. And if she is attached to you in any way, she will definitely gonna like it. What about making a simple but beautiful drawing for her. A drawing that might contain a heart, some flowers, and a beautiful butterfly on it. And that drawing will also contain your special message “I love you” in it. Believe me, when she will get to know that you have made it yourself by giving a lot of your time to it, it will make her feel very special and she will gonna like it for sure.

But make sure to make the drawing at least decent and not too ugly. There are a lot of step-by-step drawing tutorials available on the internet that will help you to do this even if you are a complete beginner and don’t have any past experience in it.

And what about the sudden performance of a group of people. People who will come out suddenly from the public to play a romantic track just at the moment you will make the proposal to her. This will multiply the feelings involved in that particular moment. This, obviously depends on your budget but nowadays, it is not that costly. We will discuss further how we can do this arrangement in this article later.

So, keeping the surprise element is just like the cherry on the cake. If you will keep the surprise element, your chances of getting a favorable response will be much higher.

Are you now feeling confident with the question, “how to propose a girl?” I am sure you are. If there is still some nervousness, the rest of this article will do the job for you.

Methods || How to Propose a Girl

How to propose a girl – Methods: Along with all the other things mentioned above, we should also be careful about choosing the proper method to propose a girl. Few methods that you will get all over the internet, are very common nowadays. That also works but it is not something out of the box. Here we will discuss some of the most romantic and unique methods which will create a quality impact on your girl. And if you will follow it properly, the chances of getting a YES from her will be much higher.

As these methods are unique and very few people use it, it differentiates you from all the other people who are still following an outdated style. So, let us open the treasure boxes one by one.

Methods to Propose a girl
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1. Proposal with a Photo Album:

What about using a photo album with all your previous romantic memories with your girl to propose to her. You must have a lot of memories with your girl captured in the photographs. The old but beautiful ones. The photos of all the beautiful places you have visited together, the exciting moments you enjoyed together, the beautiful smiles you gave to each other. Collect all the photos of those special memories and make an album of it.

The album should contain all those beautiful memories which play an important role in the girl’s life. The photos, that could remind her of your importance in her life. You could even use the photographs of your bad times like the photos of your arguments and disputes. It will remind her how you both solved those issues in the past and come out of it with a more positive attitude. Decorate the album properly. And to keep the surprise element alive, put a ring and a special note on the last page of the album. At the moment she will get the ring and read the special note written on the last page of the album, propose to her with lots of love and emotions. If you will do it properly, she will definitely say a YES.
Great method! Isn’t it? Let’s jump into the next one.

2. The Radio Proposal:

Now, this is something very unique and romantic way to propose a girl. In normal day-to-day life, no girl expects a proposal from a boy on the radio. But you must be thinking that very few people listen to the radio on a daily basis. Yes, you are correct and your girl may not be a radio listener. But what if you tell her about any of your favorite shows on the radio and ask her to listen to a special episode of it on a particular day? Sounds good right? If you think that your girl will agree to it and will positively listen to it, you are good to go with this technique.

Getting a proposal on the radio is not a small thing even for the girls. If you will be able to do it properly and successfully, the chances that she will accept your proposal are very high. Just contact any of the radio stations where you want to make the proposal and ask them to announce it for that girl on your behalf. And just after the proposal will be announced, call her and ask for her response.

One thing is important to keep in mind in this case. The radio proposal is something that anyone could hear like the friends and family of that girl. So, make sure it won’t cause any trouble to your girl or to anyone else.

So, if you think this method is perfect in your case, must use it and it will become one of the most memorable moments of both of your lives.

3. The surprise proposal party:

You must have understood what it is all about but believe me, the impact of it is quite more than you are thinking. The best part of the surprise proposal party is its cost flexibility. You can organize a party like this with low as well as with a very high budget. Thus, it is practical to implement for everyone.

At the surprise proposal party, you could ask all your and your girl’s special ones to come. And in front of all your close people, you could propose her. And the best part is, you could also capture all these special moments which will never come back again, in the cameras. A proposal in front of all the people having importance in your and your girl’s life will make her feel very special.

propose a girl with video shooting
Proposal with secret video shooting

Just ask your girl to come to a party. Do everything to keep the fact secret that it’s a surprise party. When she will come and will be busy enjoying the party, all your close people will come together, making a circle around the girl and you to see this moment. The most romantic song in slow sound will start. The girl will have no idea what is going on. And at that moment, you will make your proposal with a ring in your hand. The other people will hold the huge cards containing your feeling for her. And a few people will capture all these moments in cameras. Now, this will be the proposal, your girl would not be able to reject. You can always do the necessary changes in the whole process that you think will be good in your case.

Now, maybe you would be able to imagine the power of a surprise proposal party. If you think this method is perfect in your case, must try it. And who knows, after a successful proposal using this method, this could be the last article you are reading on “how to propose a girl.”

4. Proposal at the end of a Romantic Movie:

Sometimes, small things create a huge impact. If your girl loves simplicity or if you want to have simplicity in your proposal, this could be the method for you.

Movies are something that affects our emotions and mood to a great extent. So, if you are planning to propose your girl in a romantic atmosphere, ask her for a very romantic movie.

Carefully choose the movie having a happy ending in it. If required, watch the movie yourself first before asking your girl to come with you. Choose a decent hall to plan your proposal. And at the end of the movie when the hero will get his girl, make your romantic proposal to her.

Do everything to make her feel special. You could add a few romantic lines as well. For example, “just like the hero in the movie, I also want the only true love of my life to spend the rest of the life with me. I may not fight with hundreds of people alone, but I will be the one who will always take your side in every situation of life. Will you be my girl?”

The impact of the romantic movie and your lovely proposal to her will definitely make her feel very special and she will surely say YES to you.

Quite romantic. Isn’t it? If you will successfully apply this method to your girl, maybe you will never have to read any other article again on how to propose a girl.

5. A candlelight dinner with special arrangements:

If I will prefer any old but still effective method of making a proposal, this will be my first choice. Few people don’t like the drama, the crowd, or the noise. A peaceful place affects them the most. If you are also with someone who is the same by nature, try this method out. But as usual, we are not going to accept this method as it is. We are going to make some special arrangements to make it even more special. 

Proposing someone over a candlelight dinner itself is very romantic. The great food, the beautiful lighting conditions, and the romantic silence make the mood perfect. But what if you make some special arrangement for the exact time when you will propose her? It will make this moment one of the most memorable one. Arrange a group of people who will perform a special romantic track for you. There will be some people who will hold the huge cards containing your special messages for the girl. The messages will be like, “will you be mine forever?” And when at the same time you will propose her, the chances that you will not get a YES from the girl are really very minimal.

If you are thinking that these kinds of special arrangements or even a hotel providing a candlelight dinner facility are difficult to find out, you are wrong. It is not at all difficult in the present scenario. If you will find for the same over the internet, you will get a lot of places providing these facilities for their customers.

If you want to make the day even more special from the very beginning to the end, you can add the plan of the romantic movie on the same day before the candlelight dinner to keep the flow of romance alive from the very beginning.

Please keep in mind that the special arrangements over a candlelight dinner may be a little expensive. So, if you think it will not work in your case, you could just skip that particular additional portion.

6. The flash mob proposal:

Last but not least is the flash mob technique of making the proposal. If I will be asked the question that how to propose a girl in the most unique and memorable way, I will definitely suggest this method. This is one of my favorite techniques to make a proposal. If your girl likes the complete uniqueness, try this method out. This is one of the latest and trending methods to propose a girl. Here in this technique, a group of people who appears to be complete strangers, come out of public at a public place of course, and perform a dance for you. Now, you must be confused that how it will help us making the proposal. Well, let me help you out.

You need to hire a group of strangers to perform a special dance for you at a public place. When you and your girlfriend will be watching it along with the other people over there, you will suddenly join the dance with them at the end and finally, you will take the ring in your hands and will propose her. At the same time, the group of strangers will hold the big cards containing your special messages for her like “will you be mine forever?” Your girl will have no clue of what is going on. And in the end, she will be amazingly surprised.

So, do try this method and see the results. This type of proposal will make the girl feel extremely special for you. And she will definitely say a YES in this case.

If you are thinking that it would be difficult to find a group of strangers to perform it for you, don’t worry at all. The flash mob is trending nowadays and there are a lot of organizations available on the internet that will organize everything for you. And the best part is, it is available for various price ranges. So, it will be a pocket-friendly method of the proposal as well if you will search properly.

Author’s Opinion:

Whichever tips and methods you will follow, make sure to keep the trust element on the first priority. If you are thinking to start a new phase of your relationship on the basis of false statements, you are very likely to lose the trust element in your relationship in the near future. And once it will happen, your relationship will never last in the long run. So, don’t ever build the base of your relationship’s building on the cost of the trust.

This is all from our side. I hope the tips and the methods shared above on how to propose a girl will definitely help you to make your special day successful and one of the most memorable days for both of your lives. If you have any doubts in your mind regarding this article, leave a comment below. Please also share your experiences and let us know which of the methods or tips worked in your case. We wish you all the very best for the success on your special day!!

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