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Insecurity in a Relationship | A Complete Guide to Help You Out

Insecurity in a Relationship | A Complete Guide to Help You Out
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Insecurity is a feeling that we all come across if we are in a relationship. Somehow this feeling of insecurity in a relationship comes in our mind and then never lets us get out of it. People often try to kick their minds out of relationship insecurities but they can’t because, in most cases, they even don’t know what’s the actual cause of it. Ultimately, they have to deal with insecurity in a relationship sometimes for all of their lives.

Sounds hectic? Actually, yes it is but only when you don’t know the method to deal with these relationship insecurities. But as you are here reading this article, I can assure you that you will find out the ways to deal with it. So be focussed and let’s move forward in this article.

Insecurities in a relationship
Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity in a Relationship Meaning:

Insecurity in a relationship means the feeling of losing your partner and your relationship because of any internal or external factors.

What Causes Feelings of Insecurity in a Relationship?

Before we jump into the solutions, it’s very important to understand the root cause of the problem first. Without the proper understanding of the cause of relationship insecurities, we would never be able to find out its exact solution. Most of the people try to find out the solutions to their problems without even trying to understand the cause of the problems first. And this is the reason they keep on suffering from their problems. But we are not gonna repeat the same mistake here. I am here to help you out to understand the main and the most common causes of having insecurity in a relationship. So, let’s begin.

1. Lack of Trust in Your Partner:

Yes, you heard it right. Lack of trust in your partner is one of the most common causes of having insecurity in a relationship. Maybe you are thinking, hey it’s not the cause in my case, but believe me, in most of the cases your cause may be related to lack of trust only.

Let me explain it to you with the help of some examples. Just imagine, what could be the cause of feeling insecure in your relationship? Maybe your partner started to talk to some other girl or boy, or he/she started to talk lesser with you or maybe you have noticed something strange in your partner. But if you will dig deep into it, you will find out it is not the above causes but the lack of trust in your partner which is making you feel insecure. As you don’t have enough trust in your partner, these kinds of small things are also able to make you feel insecure.

2. Lack of Self-Confidence/ Self-Esteem:

Partners in a relationship are like a path and its destination. Without the presence of one, there is no importance to the other one. What I mean to say is both the partners in a relationship play an equally important role to make that relationship a successful one. Without the contribution of any of them, the relationship can not be successful.

But what if any one of them starts losing its self-confidence or self-esteem? He/ she will feel very low and incapable. And once it will happen, he/ she will start feeling insecure in their relationship. It generally happens when you find yourself less capable of something than your partner. You may feel not equal to your partner in terms of looks, health, wealth or in any other thing. And once you will start feeling the same, you will face a lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem, and insecurity in a relationship.

insecurity in a relationship
Lack of Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

How to Deal with Relationship Insecurities:

So, as we have discussed the main common reasons for having a relationship insecurities, now its time to jump straight into the solution part. As I said earlier, the exact solutions always come from the exact problems. In our case as well, the solutions are right there among the problems. So, let’s start the solution part.

1. Trust Your Partner:

If you love someone, have guts to trust that person as well. Trust is one of the most important aspects of an ideal love relationship. Where there is true love, there must be trust as well. I am telling you to blindly trust your partner. But having a doubtful nature in a love relationship will only make trouble.

If you really trust your partner, these kinds of small things like your partner talking to another girl/ boy, or talking lesser to you, or behaving strangely, etc. will not create insecurities in your mind about your relationship. Because in that case, you will start thinking differently and logically about your partner and the related circumstances. So, start trusting your partner.

insecurity in a relationship
Trust in a Relationship

2. Be Confident and Never Let Your Self-Esteem Down:

As I just said, once you start feeling inferior from your partner in any field of life say, looks, health, wealth, etc., you lose all your self-confidence and self-esteem in your own eyes. But one thing we usually forget that no one is perfect in this world. You might not be equally good in looks, health or wealth than your partner but you have to understand that there must be something different which is your strength. No one is useless in this world. Different people have different qualities. It just needs the eyes to see it.

So, think differently. Look at your qualities. If you will not believe in yourself, no one else will do. There is an important separate role of yours in your relationship than your partner. Analyze it. And you will never feel inferior to your partner again.

Author’s Opinion:

Insecurity in a relationship is something that generally comes in almost everyone’s mind. So, never judge your relationship on the basis of it. There are few reasons for relationship insecurities that have a particular set of solutions as well which is given above. Follow them and make your relationship a better one. Do talk to your partner, if needed, to share your feeling of insecurity. If they truly love you, they will definitely understand your emotions, help you out and make you feel good.

So, hope you got the answer to the question “how to deal with relationship insecurities?” If there is still any question or suggestion in your mind regarding our today’s topic, insecurity in a relationship, leave a comment below. Your comments are valuable to us. If you feel this article is helpful, must share it with your friends and family. I will be there with you soon in my next article. Till then keep reading, keep improving… Thank you!

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